Wednesday 25 April 2012

Fun times in the country

Well, finally the day is almost finally here.... we are leaving from Helidon where we have spent the last 26 days tiling, cleaning, packing and doing adjustments to the van and most of all enjoying country life. Tomorrow 26th April we are heading for Yamba NSW with a couple of stops in between.

The kids have had a fantastic time catching up with cousins and friends we didnt get to see all that often.  We have been to the Cobb & Co museum in Toowoomba, which had a special kids science day, the kids loved the experiements.  The Darling Downs Zoo the tiny monkeys were probably our favourites, Fishing in pops dam where Levi encounted his first tick bite.and a car show at Willowbank Raceway and so many other fun things. Zara learnt to drive our tractor on or other rental property and she thought she was pretty clever. And Kaine is just enjoying everthing.

Well heres hoping I haven't forgot anything :)

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