Tuesday 26 June 2012

Crestwick & Ballarat

Leaving Melbourne we headed on the search for some GOLD!!!!! We stayed in a free forest camp for a couple of nights at Creswick. It rained most of the time but it was fun anyway, collecting wood for the fire and  Alizah & Levi went on an adventure walk and Alizah has decided she would like to tell you all about it.
   So here's Alizah......

Hi Blog readers hope you have been enjoying the blog so far. 
Mum said we should go on a mission to find water and land animals as we were bored from all the rain I thought it might be a good idea to also look for fosssils.
We were prepared with gumboots - raincoats - water - Camera - plastic containers - unbrellas and a carry bag to hold it all.
Levi and I started our adventure from the toilet block, which was next to our van.  We went around through the creek, which was on the other side of our van. We found landscapes like water falls , flat trees , tree bridges , flooded roads. 
Dad showed us how to crack open a rock with iron in it, we found yellow and red iron all though the rocks.  We found lots of Quartz rocks, later at Soveriegn Hill  during our underground mine tour we learnt  that Gold is attracted to Quartz and also only about 10 years ago a large nugget of Gold was found in Creswick.  I wish we could have went back to look for some more.  
At last we found some wood bugs we went to show mum then we got lost but I was able to see the toilet block from the hill and find our way home. When we got back we asked mum to come with us as we found a secret path that leads to a waterfall.
Mum was scared to get her boots wet when we crossed the creek so she stayed on the other side.
Well I hope you enjoy the photos. BYE BYE!!!

After leaving Creswick we went to Ballarat for a couple of nights to try our luck at Soveriegn Hill panning for Gold.  We stayed at the worst caravan park so far.  The lady was happy to take our money then says in a very rude manner, "don't ask for the jumping pillow because we have nothing like that for kids". The showers smelt like sewage and the kids/ baby bath was converted into a dog wash.  I guess they should advertise their park as "Not Family Friendly, but pets are most welcome!"

Ballarat was quite a beautiful old town, some very beautiful little cottages and huge old churches. The kids favourite was the biggest playground we had ever seen. We spent a couple of hours there, the kids playing while Jamie and I worked out where our travels we taking us next. 
Soverieign Hill was the next place to visit, the kids had a ball and so did I trying our luck looking for Gold.  We were showed how they melt down Gold and make it pure and into the bars.  Once it was made it weighed about 3kilos and out of the group of people watching I was chosen to hold the block which was worth $140 000, I was hoping I was the lucky person who got to take it home.  No such luck, but it was great to hold.  The Red Coat Soliders had a fantastic show, with rifles blazing.  I would highly recommend a visit if your in the area as its a 2 day pass and you can go to the Gold Museum across the road.

Creswick - Slatey Creek

Levi wanted me to mention that he was carrying the bag  nearly all of the time

They found a "waterfall"

very exciting stuff

Me stoking the fire

The Hunter & the Gatherer!

and the Chef!

The biggest playground ever!

Hours of fun with a box from the supermarket

Sovereign Hill  Horse and Cart

Levi trying to steal a bar of gold $680000 worth

Alizah having her turn
watching how they do gold smelting

I Won the lottery $140000 worth, didn't get to keep it though :(

back to school with the sand box

Levi not impressed about using the ink

The message we say to Alizah everyday .. There is a place for everything and everything in its place.

Kaine ringing the church bell

Making acid drop lollies

final product

panning for GOLD!!!!


Can you see those 2 very tiny pieces on the right of the $1 coin
The red coat soldiers

Love a man in uniform

trooper showing us how to fire the musket

Did you know??? that a piece of pure gold the size of a 20cent piece can be stretched to the size of a tennis court.

Next stop The Great Ocean Road

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