Tuesday 12 June 2012

Victoria- Gibbsland & Melbourne

First I must start by saying this was almost our last blog, as the stress of living in close surrounds and the kids constantly misbehaving we were ready to give up and head home.  But we changed a few things with the kids and ourselves and so far things are looking really well and there will be several more blogs coming.

Well, I must say the car drivers of Victoria are absolutely crazy, one speed, flat out and no working indicators.  It is also the first time I have seen someone  drive with a broken axle and only three wheels on their dual wheel trailer, did I mention on the highway. Madness.
Another observation I have found is that the people aren't the friendliest, quite rude really. Everyone else so for have been  so much nicer. But that's enough complaining.
First entering the NSW / VIC border we noticed how destructive the resent storm was here, thank god we were staying in Threadbo we would have ended up blown back to Queensland in our van.  For about 200kms in the Gibbsland region, mainly National Park, the trees were uprooted or snapped in half.  We did get through to Bellbird Creek Hotel where Jurgen the owner informed  us that they had 9inches of rain. That was evident  because every free park we tried to stop at was either under water or had trees lying all over it.  Staying the night at the back of the hotel we meet a guy from Chicago USA who was riding his bicycle from Sydney to Melbourne. "Why?" I hear ask, I don't know I said the same thing.

The weather in Victoria is definitely four seasons in one day, heavy fog till about 11am, sun for about an hour and then heavy cloud and freezing cold.  That probably explains the peoples bad moods.
Trying to escape the fog we headed for the ocean, with no luck at Frankston,we couldn't even see the water from the road.  We headed towards Portsea, and what do you know, there was sun for a little while anyway.  We found it hard to find  tourist sites, as things aren't signed all that well.  We did however find a place called London Bridge, it was on the edge of the Southern Ocean and was quite spectacular.  Alizah found a cuttlefish backbone which was the biggest I have ever seen, it would have been as big or bigger than my size 10 foot. The kids liked exploring into all the little crevices and caves.

We didn't really go into Melbourne City as that didn't really excite us, but we did drive past a couple of times on the way to some of the TAFE's. Jamie still has his mind on the job (industry) and trying to get Solid Plastering to be all on the same page, but that's enough about work.

We took the van in to get its promised free service by  Golf Caravans, but for some reason they didn't want us dropping it off to Golf (it could have been that we said we would love to give the idiot we were dealing with a good punch in the nose, not sure) We gave them a list of things we wanted fixed but that didn't happen, but they have hopefully fixed our main problem with the winch.

Heading to Ballarat to find us some GOLD now!
can you see the water? At Frankston

Alizah still wanted a photo, even though it was spelt differently

Port Phillip

the first "London Bridge" we saw

Huge cuttlefish bone

Family shot

Jamie wants this block of land which leads to .............

this  - Bush Ranger Bay

If you want to do a 5.2km walk be prepared to do this with little ones

even not so little ones

Deano, Jamie wants you to see this golf course. Right next to the ocean cliff ( not the best photo)
Melbourne city by drive by

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