Monday 11 June 2012

The Snow of Threadbo

Our last day in Canberra we called into the Old Parliament House, the kids had a fantastic time dressing up and hopefully learning a little bit about democracy at the same time.

Old Parliament House

Queen Alizah

Levi - Perikles the famous ruler of Athens

Queen Zara

Old grumpy Levi


I'm sure he will do a better job than Peter Slipper

Another beautiful sunset over Canberra
 With the bad weather predicted on the coastline we decided to head towards the Snowy Mountains instead. It also gives the kids an opportunity to see the snow.  The forecast here was also rain so we couldn't be bothered setting up the camper, so thank God for the last minute accommodation specials, and with the snow season only starting on the weekend we got a great deal in a huge three bedroom apartment.  The kids thought they were in heaven, room to run, separate beds and 2 tvs and also HEATING.  But the best part of all was seeing how excited the kids were to see and touch the snow, another priceless moment.  Alizah got an ear infection the 2nd day we were there so she had to stay in and rest, so she was ready to head up the mountain on our last day.  I actually thought the kids would be scared going on the chair lift but they thought it was heaps of fun.  We spent a couple of hours up the top of the mountain, snowball fighting, making snowmen and most of my time was sinking up to my knees in the snow.  Next time we do visit the snow however we will be a bit more organised and make sure we all have waterproof pants, as every time we went sliding we ended up with frozen pants. It was cheap entertainment however.
On the trip out of Threadbo we called into a Schnapps distillery to have a bit of a taste.  "WOW" they make some really tasty ones, Raspberry, Sour Apple, Sweet Apple, Pear, Butterscotch and I'm sure there was a few more but the barman just kept lining them up for me. I wasn't driving, so I kept on drinking. So if you are in the Threadbo area, call into Wild Brumby's Distillery. I recommend you get someone to drive you there and try them all.
Heading to the Snowy Mountains

The road continues

"LOOK! The Snow is coming"

Snowball fight

Levi  showing off his baby snowman

Kaine loved the  snow
Clear sunny day
Our car windscreen
Alizah on top of the mountain
On the way up on the chairlift
Spare tyre on the caravan, that's the reason I rented an apartment
On top of Threadbo - 1937metres above sea level
The highest Australian Restaurant
Enjoying their hot chocolate 1937metres up
Plant covered in ice- looked cool
Nice and sunny but still -5
The boys going back down the mountain
Really big ice block trees

Watch Out!

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