Wednesday 25 July 2012

Kings Canyon


We stayed at Kings Creek Station, the first thing we saw a bird just sitting outside on its perch. I thought it wasn’t real. When mum walked out of reception she went over to it and it was real, his name was Charlie the Cockatoo.
We went for a quick drive up the road to look at the Canyon, Kings Canyon Resort where we had a play in the park. Mum brought us some marshmallows so we could toast them on the fire but she said we could only have one each because they cost $5 for the little packet. On the way home we went to Kathleen Springs, it was cool, it had old stables and talked about how the dream time snakes left their prints. 
We went looking for fire wood on the side of the road with the Brennan's, dad loaded the top of the our car up. Around the fire we told jokes and ate marshmallows.
The next day Dad Levi and I (Alizah) went with the Brennan’s for a 4 hour walk around the rim of the ginormous Canyon.  Mum stayed home and hand washed all the clothes, then a huge dust storm came through and made  them all dirty again.
We went to toilet before we went for this walk as there were no toilets at the top and Levi always needs to go. 
Walking around the top there were tiny little gapes we had to squeeze though. I thought I might get stuck, but I didn't.
Nathan, Jacob, Levi and I made a rock pinnacle with 16 rocks from biggest to smallest on top of large rock we climbed. We laid RIGHT on the EDGE of the canyon looking over at the fallen rocks down below. We crossed 4 bridges and only one had water under it was called the Garden of Eden it was full of lush green plants and trees and heaps of bird life. It had a crystal clear billabong through it then came into and waterfall and a drop. We stood right on the edge of the drop on the cliff. Levi thought he was pretty cool to have lunch with Jacob on the 4m rocks. (Of course they took their lunch while climbing)It only took them 2 mins to get up there. Levi said it was easy for a *pro climber * like him. As we headed to the end it was a bit of a rough road I had a bit of a fall and hurt my foot by the time we got home it was all better. We were all very tired from our big walk!!!!!     (Finished it in 3.5 hours)                        

The picture doesn't do it much justice but the colours are so amazing

Zara trying to hold the rock up

Kaine doing art on the sand

Kathleen Springs

the colours and shapes are amazing

how you all going to get down now?

Another family shot
Jamie getting our supply of fireword strapped down

All of the following photos are from walking the rim

livn on the edge

Garden of Eden

Cool dead tree

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