Thursday 12 July 2012

Warrnambool To Mt Gambier

Warrnambool has many attractions to check out, the only problem was being out of season you don't actually see any of the animals. We went to the whale nursery, the place were mum whales come to have there calves. This place had the most amazing viewing platform that would be great to sit and watch them for hours but it wasn't meant to be the case for us, we were a few weeks to early.
Middle Island, also was a lovely place even with the rain and freezing winds over the top of us. It is famous for the "little penguin" colony better known as Fairy Penguins but they have requested the change to be politically correct. Visitors use to be able to walk across on a bridge to the island and check out the penguins close up, but they and their eggs were being attacked/ killed by dogs and foxes who also made use of the bridge. The Island is now shut off and is guarded by Merremma dogs, we didn't see either unfortunately. But we did see the nice rainbow in the picture below.
Another famous visitor site was Granny's Grave, she was the first white woman to be buried at Warrnambool, and she really has a view to die for.
The kids loved the extinct volcano which was converted into an animal reserve. In every direction you looked you would see an animal ranging from hundreds of rabbits, to emus, swans and kangaroos just to name a couple. The rock formations around the sides were also quite amazing.

We called into Port Fairy to see the Mutton birds but surprise, surprise they had all flown the coop to the warmer parts. Same story at Cape Bridgewater the seals where a 6km walk away and we were not guaranteed to see them so we gave that a miss.
Kaine has become an expert at finding wind farms as there are so many of them on the coastline of Victoria. On the way to see a petrified forest we drive right up close to a wind farm. WOW those things are enormous, I would hate to be anywhere near it if it malfunctioned especially during high winds.

So four states down and starting to get sick of the rain and cold we made a dash for the South Australian border. Best part was we gained a half an hour when we crossed the border. I always knew my SA friends were a bit behind. "Just Kidding, Just Kidding, Love you all."  
Our first stop was Mount Gambier to see the Blue Lake and The Garden Sinkholes and The Craters. The Blue Lake was not quite as blue as it normally is due to the cloud cover, but was pretty cool to see up close as the water is a colour we have never seen before. It even has baffled scientists as to why it is that colour.  The sinkholes are right in the middle of a park and have beautiful gardens, something different. Australia never ceases to amaze me with so many different things to see.
On our visit to the craters we climbed about a thousand stairs to reach the rim. I must congratulate Jamie for piggy backing Kaine on the way up, I choose to take him back down, the extra weight on my back gave me great speed back down those steps.
Alizah found an awesome spider on the steps, it was red and blue and tried to attack the moment Jamie poked it with a stick to get a photo. How on earth am I suppose to teach the kids to leave things alone when their father does things like this?

Next stop Robe.

Rainbow over Middle Island- Warrnambool

Granny's Grave

Granny's view from her grave.

couple of the wild emus roaming around

extinct volcano sides

I really like this flower, that is all.

Camped at Killarney
the other side of the campsite, why wouldn't you travel Aus with waterfront views whenever you like.

Dinner- I think Kaine likes carrot on his wrap.

Cape Bridgewater, only another 5km walk around the mountain for the seals

Wind farm at Cape Bridgewater

looking out towards the petrified forest. A tad bit cold

Lovely views

Sink Hole

The Blue Lake
The Blue Lake looking a little bluer

Just a couple of the stairs up to the crater rim

A pretty,angry spider Alizah found, pictured before Jamie poked it

looking into the crater

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